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Article 1: Subject

Corner Bakery Namibia, Botswana and Zambia (“promoter”, “we”, or “us”) is organizing a free design your own easter egg project without the necessity of purchase, from 01 April to 30 April 2022. This project is named “Design your own easter egg” and is on the theme of the Easter holidays.

The project is accessible online on the following link supplied

The project consists of colouring or designing an printable template easter egg any way you like. The Top 3 designs will be features on our social media and will be gifted 1 of 3 bluetooth audible speakers in each age catergory (1-5years, 6-11years and 12-16years).

Article 2: Conditions of participation

2.1 Participation in the project is free and open to all ages below 16 years old.  

2.2 Corner Bakery the right to conduct necessary checks in order to verify the identity, postal address and/or e-mail address of the participants guardian / parent whom enters their child.

2.3 The persons who have given incomplete or inaccurate personal and contact details will be disqualified for the draw, as will be the persons who refuse that their personal details – which are necessary for the game – be collected, kept and used.

2.4 Participation in the project implies that participants accept the integrity of these rules. Non-compliance with the rules results in the automatic cancellation of the participation in the project and of the candidacy for the gift.

Article 3: Terms of participation

3.1 The project will be available from the 01 of April 2022 to the 30th of April 2022. The participant guardian / parents have to submit their childs artwork, pictures or visuals to our online site.

Article 4: Awarding the gift

4.1 After the period during which the project will be available, the top 3 (in each age category as mentioned above) will be voted on by our Facebook page fans, via means of picking a number and commenting the number in the comments.

4.2 The participants will be contacted by cellphone, in order to obtain their postal address where the gift will be sent to. From the moment we send a message on the cellphone number provided, the participant will have 24hours to accept their gift.

Article 5: description of the gift

The project offers a gift:

  • 1 of 3 bluetooth speakers - each age category (as mentioned above Article 1) in the top 3 to receive a gift.

  • These are gifts and not prizes.

The gift cannot be exchanged for another gift or for its monetary value for any reason. Corner Bakery reserves the right to change the gift without prior notice. In this case, the value of the gift will be equal or superior to that of the original gift. Furthermore the top 3 will be featured on our social media platforms.

Article 6 : Publication of the results

The winner will be published 5 to 7 working days after the end of the project, on the 9th May 2022:

  • Corner Bakery website

  • Corner Bakery facebook page

  • Corner Bakery twitter page

Article 7 : dispute and responsibilities

7.1 Participation in the project implies that the participant accepts the integrity of the rules, including during their intervention, amendments and potential additions.

7.2 Inaccurate or dishonest declarations, or any fraud, results in the participant’s disqualification.

7.3 To be valid, all disagreement shall be imperatively addressed by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to the following address:

Corner Bakery, Umhlanga, 6 holwood park, la lucia office estat.

7.4 Corner Bakery's responsibility will not be engaged if, in a case of force majeure as recognized by the local laws, or any event beyond its control, it were to cancel the project.

7.5 Corner Bakery has full right to cancel or put on hold all or part of the competition if there are less than 10 entries per category.

7.6 Corner Bakery will be able to cancel or put on hold all or part of the project. if it appears that fraud was committed in any form during participation in this project. Corner Bakery reserves the right, in this case, of not awarding the case to the person who committed fraud and/or to sue in front of competent authorities the authors of the fraud.

Corner Bakery's:

  • Assumes no liability in case the internet network, phone lines, or any reception tool dysfunctions and prevents the effective functioning of the project. Moreover; its responsibility will not be engaged for problems related to the transport, reception or loss of mail or e-mail.

  • Assumes no liability in case of technical, material or software malfunction or defect (virus, bug) affecting the participants’ computer system or computer equipment and data, and the related consequences on their professional, personal or commercial activity.

  • Will be able to, at any point in time, notably for technical reasons or for updates and maintenance, interrupt access to its website. Corner Bakery will in no case be responsible for these interruptions and their consequences. No compensation can be claimed on these grounds.

Article 8: Confidentiality

The data contained in the project is strictly covered by professional secrecy, and this also applies to all information communicated to Corner Bakery during the project.

Corner Bakery commits to taking all necessary protective measures in order to keep the information secure and notably to prevent their alteration, damage, or their being transmitted to unauthorized persons.

Article 9 :  Competence

Any dispute related to the project that cannot be solved through a friendly arrangement will be taken to competent tribunals. The participant recognizes that he or she is aware of the present rules, that he or she accepts them without reservation and accepts to comply fully.

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